This entry level stage to formalised malting qualifications can be taken separately and is designed to have equivalent status to level 2 in functional skills of the National Qualifications Frameworks in the UK.

The Syllabus indicates both the ground to be covered by the candidate and the areas of knowledge associated with the subjects. Whilst candidates from outside the production area (i.e. laboratory, commercial etc.) are accepted for this exam the company must be prepared to commit sufficient time for production exposure. The candidate must be able to demonstrate a good practical knowledge of the processes, equipment and logistics of the site, from barley intake, through production to malt despatch.

Each candidate registered for the FIM will receive a workbook listing a number of task based questions designed to involve the candidate in largely practical, work based activities that will enable them to construct the answers required. The following links will assist you in completing the workbook.

Each candidate will have a nominated sponsor usually from within their own organisation who will provide guidance and encouragement and act as an internal verifier to maintain a check on the progress made by the candidate and to ensure that the work they are producing will meet the required standards.  They will also be required to verify that the work and any materials submitted as evidence in the workbook originated from the candidate either working alone or under guidance as part of a project group.  Once the workbook is completed the sponsor should submit it to one of a number of independent Assessors with relevant malting experience to review the candidate’s work and then arrange a walk-round. This will take the form of the candidate leading a tour of the malting facility where they will have the opportunity to explain how they had gained experience in and gathered the evidence required to complete the various tasks in the workbook.

Should the Assessor, with prior notice, ask if a ‘trainee Assessor’ can observe the process the candidate and Sponsor/Internal Verifier will be asked to sign an agreement to this effect.  If either the candidate or the Sponsor/Internal Verifier are not comfortable with this they can decline and it will in no way affect the outcome.

Candidates are given 1 year for completion of the workbook from the point it is issued.  When the candidate is ready for assessment the candidate’s company will be invoiced as follows:

Member Companies £300 +VAT per candidate
Non-Member Companies £400 +VAT (where necessary) per candidate

The format for this exam is:

  1. Completion of the workbook by the candidate;
  2. A tour of the candidates plant during which an Assessor will ask a number of questions based on the detail provided within the workbook. This is to establish the work is the candidate’s own and to ensure they have a general understanding of the Syllabus;
  3. A report from the Assessor to the candidate and to MAGB in which the candidate will be told the result of the assessment.

There is no set date for enrolment. The application form should be completed by the Sponsors and forwarded to MAGB. Once received, the workbook will be forwarded to the Sponsor.

MAGB reserves the right to limit the number of registrations in any one year.

The full syllabus is available to view here